From Friday to Monday, artist groups perform several times in front of the sharp eyes of the expert and student juries.
The performances are limited to 30 minutes. The expert jury is made up of professionals from the theater, variety, and show business. The student jury consists of volunteers from the Association "Förderverein Kleinkunst Insel Usedom e.V., who evaluate the shows from their perspective and present individually selected prizes to the winners in their category. The winners will be announced at the end of the festival during the closing event and award ceremony on Whit Monday.

Important information about
participating in the festival and competition:
There are 8 performance locations along the promenade near the pier in Heringsdorf.
Performances can include magic, juggling, pantomime, comedy, street theater, animation, acrobatics, and many other acts suitable for both young and old on the street.
The duration of the performance is limited to a maximum of 30 minutes.
The evaluation criteria will be announced by the jury on-site.
Reapplying for the competition is only possible with a different or new program.
Winners from previous years may be given the opportunity to perform outside of the jury competition and as guest artists.
No fees will be paid for performances.
All registered participants will receive free accommodation and meals.
All registered participants or groups will receive a travel allowance of up to €600, depending on the distance traveled.
By the way: Collecting with your hat is generally allowed!

Unsere Fachjury, bestehend aus Expertinnen und Experten der Theater, Varieté und Show Branche bewertet die dargebotenen Shows nach festgelegten Kriterien. 2024 bestand die Jury aus: